KW Living - Welcome Home Team
ライセンス #: C2010000747 - OH / The Welcome Home TeamでのRealtor


I’ve lived in Northeastern Ohio my whole life and I am passionate about our neighborhoods and community. Since I grew up here, and have watched the area evolve, I can provide local insight and considermyself a local expert. I’ve been a licensed realtor since 2010 and have a previous background in property management. In 2023 my team sold $26.2 million in real estate. I’m not just expert in negotiating and marketing, but a local who loves and understands our community and the people who live here. Thank you so much for being here!

言語 English
マーケットセンター Keller Williams Living
Keller Williams Living
32875 Solon Rd. Suite #100 Solon, OH 44139
オフィス (440) 318-1620

Mary Jo Kormushoff
Realtor C2010000747
モバイル (330) 351-3051

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